Liposuction surgery treatment in Delhi

Liposuction surgery treatment in Delhi

What is Liposuction?


Liposuction is a corrective methodology that eliminates fat that you can’t dispose of through diet and exercise.


A plastic or dermatologic specialist typically does the method on your hips, paunch, thighs, bottom, back, arms, and under the jaw or face to work on their shape. However, liposuction should likewise be possible with other plastic medical procedures, including facelifts, bosom decreases, and stomach tucks.


What Should One Know Beforehand?


The initial step is to talk with your specialist. Talk about your objectives, the choices, the dangers and benefits, and the expenses. Pose every one of your inquiries.


In the event that you choose to proceed with liposuction, your specialist will give you directions on the most proficient method to get ready for it. These might incorporate eating routine and liquor limitations.


Inform your specialist concerning any hypersensitivities you have and any prescriptions you take, including over-the-counter and natural enhancements. They will probably suggest you quit taking certain drugs, for example, blood thinners and certain painkillers a little while before medical procedure.


What Should I Expect?


Your liposuction might happen at your primary care physician’s office or a medical procedure place. Ensure that where you’re making it happen is licensed, and is known for its expert guidelines, security and great outcomes.


  • You’ll return home the day of the strategy. Make a point to have somebody drive you home thereafter. (In case you’re having a ton of fat eliminated, you ought to finish the medical procedure in an emergency clinic, where you may remain for the time being).


  • Before your liposuction begins, your PCP may check the spaces of your body that will be dealt with. They may likewise take photographs to utilize later for prior and then afterward correlations.


  • Next you’ll get general sedation – which implies you won’t be alert during the methodology – or a “nearby,” which implies you will be conscious however not feel any aggravation.


Dangers of liposuction


Like all medical procedures, this strategy likewise conveys a danger of intricacies. Your specialist will illuminate you about the dangers and advantages so you can settle on an educated choice.


  • The chances incorporate


  • Risks related with sedation


  • Deep vein apoplexy, cardiovascular and pneumonic complexities


  • Irregular forms


  • The need for amendment medical procedure


  • Persistent enlarging


  • Poor wound recuperating


  • Bruising


  • Infection


  • Excessive dying


Extra systems may once in a while be needed to decrease abundance skin.


How would you get ready for a medical procedure ?


You should have an exhaustive clinical assessment and blood tests. On the off chance that you smoke you should stop a little while before the technique.


You will be prompted with respect to preoperative directions identified with not eating or drinking anything for 8-10 hours preceding a medical procedure and some other explicit guidelines. Your anesthetist will meet you and survey your clinical notes and test reports.


Steps of the strategy


  • You will be given sedation – the decision of sedation will rely on your condition.


  • Small entry points are made and a nearby sedation arrangement is mixed to decrease draining and injury. With a dainty empty cannula embedded through the entry points, and a controlled to and fro movement, the overabundance fat is relaxed. The unstuck fat is then suctioned out of the body utilizing a careful vacuum or needle joined to the cannula.


  • Any overabundance liquid and blood is depleted and the treated region is sewed up and bound.


  • Fluid substitution might be required in case there is a critical loss of liquid or blood.


The method normally takes one to three hours. A great many people need to remain in the clinic short-term.


How does recuperation happen ?


  • You will be kept in the recuperation room till you have recuperated from the sedation and all your clinical boundaries are steady.


  • If a little region was dealt with, you might have the option to get back to work inside a couple of days. In case it was an enormous region, you might require as long as 10 days off work to recuperate.


  • You’d need to keep away from arduous action for as long as about a month (yet strolling and general development ought to be fine).


  • It for the most part requires around fourteen days to make a full recuperation.


  • The consequences of the strategy will be seen once the enlarging has gone down. It can require as long as a half year for the space to settle totally.


  • Stitches would be taken out following seven days (except if you had dissolvable join).


  • You ought to have the option to continue your standard exercises at four to about a month and a half.


  • If the aggravation and expanding continue alongside fever, it very well may be an indication of contamination and you should contact your PCP.


A suction lipectomy or liposuction is one of the most popular ways to involve the body in cosmetic surgery. This method removes packets of fat that a person can remove after strenuous exercise or dieting. Therefore, liposuction helps to achieve the desired body shape by removing the fat deposits that exist between the muscles and the skin. This metabolic procedure permanently removes fatty tissue and the effects are permanent if the patient maintains his or her weight.


Who can undergo the liposuction surgery?


Note: It is not a treatment for obesity and it does not help to remove stretch marks and cellulite. One should also keep in mind that if a person puts on weight after the procedure, the results do not last long.

The Techniques used for Liposuction


For Delhi liposuction surgery at any Clinic there are many important adjustments to the standard liposuction available as UAL (ultrasound-assisted liposuction), PAL (power-assisted liposuction), VASER, and -laser-assisted liposuction.


  1. UAL (Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction)

In this process, fat is added to the liquid before removal by targeting the fat cells with ultrasound waves. Therefore, this method utilizes sound energy waves that break down the walls of the fat cells, and then the fatty fluids are released. It allows for a more accurate removal of oil deposit and increases skin penetration.


  1. Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

In this procedure, a special cannula that performs small and rapid vibrations is used to break down fat cells, and to remove fat from the patient’s body. This procedure helps the surgeon to control the liposuction process, and this helps them to perform the removal process more accurately.

This procedure helps the surgeon remove excess fat in a short time and helps to achieve better results, and faster recovery. The special cannula used in this process allows for small cuts and vibrating PAL tips that make the process safer due to its precise and minimal movement. This allows the surgeon to direct only the area and not cause any damage to the surrounding body tissues.


  1. VASER (Vibration Amplification of Resonance Sound) Liposuction

This is a new generation of liposuction that creates and rejuvenates the body according to one’s dream and desire. It uses ultrasound power to dissolve fat cells, and then uses a small tube cannula to remove fat. This process works by removing large volumes and small fat deposits.

The method uses a less aggressive method, therefore, recovery is faster. During treatment, tumescent fluid is injected into the body area. The vibration releases fat cells and creates a tumescent fluid injected into the target area. As a result, the emulsification process begins, and with the help of a small cannula, fluid and fat are removed. The salt used in this procedure causes abrasions, bleeds, and protects other tissues.


  1. Laser-Assisted Liposuction

This procedure involves laser adipocyte dissociation and removes scattered oil with the help of a cannula. In this way, the tumescent fluid is injected into the target area, and in the next step, the laser fiber is inserted under the skin to help dissolve the oil, and the suction cannula removes the melted fat.

Therefore, the method is mild compared to the traditional method of liposuction, and in general, there is less swelling and abrasions with laser-assisted liposuction. The heat generated by the laser also stimulates the formation of new collagen and helps to keep the skin smooth and firm.


  1. Suction Assisted Liposuction

This is a very common term for liposuction.


  1. Micro Cannula

This does not refer to a specific course but to the width of the cannula, a stainless steel tube inserted into the oil under the skin with a small hole or cut in the skin. The outer diameter of the micro-cannula ranges from 1 mm to 3 mm.


  1. Lymph Sparing Liposuction

This procedure does not require a specific rod and is usually performed with tumescent liposuction or WAL (below). It refers to a specific surgical procedure, a surgeon’s ability, and a wide variety of training to remove lipedema oil.


Because the scope differs in the removal of lipedema oil against cosmetic contouring, if lymph-sparing is not observed in surgical surgical notes, a committee reviewing medical requirements may determine that the procedure poses a “risk to the lymph system.


  1. Tumescent local anesthesia (TLA)/tumescent liposuction

This may refer to either of the above methods, but the process is the same. This is a method of anesthesia recommended for lymph-sparing liposuction surgery. The word “tumescent” means swelling and stiffness.


By injecting large doses of highly soluble lidocaine (local anesthetic) and epinephrine (capillary constrictor) into subcutaneous fat, the target tissue becomes swollen and firm, or tumescent. This process does not require a special or specific type of wand.


  1. Water-jet assisted liposuction (WAL)

Lipedema oil is removed using a fluid-shaped water jet, which includes an anesthetic. In contrast to the tumescent liposuction above, where the anesthetic is injected differently than before, the WAL rod both injects the solution and absorbs the oil. BodyJet is a water-based Liposuction program.


  1. Fibro-lymphoma-lipo-aspiration (FLLA)

This unique and unique form of liposuction lipedema is used in a specific paper by Campisi, Fibro-Lipo-Lymph-Aspiration With a Lymph Vessel Sparing Procedure to Treat Enhanced Lymphedema After Multiple Lymphatic-Venous Anastomoses: Complete Treatment Protocol .

The term emphasizes the diversity of the rebuilding process as opposed to the cosmetic process. Everything about the cannula surgical procedure is different from conventional suction lipectomy.


The FLLA Goal is to relieve symptoms such as pain, reduce disability, improve function and quality of life, and stop disease progression. Only small dull cannulas are used, great care is used to prevent damage to the already common lymphatic and the risk of injury increases.


The only longitudinal position of the cannulas is used in sensitive areas. Sensitive lymphatic structures before surgery are scanned and marked. FLLA surgery is much more time-consuming than cosmetic surgery that usually requires 4-5 hours per organ; Excessive aspirate volume is removed compared to cosmetic suction lipectomy. The benefit of lymphatics is not only in the removal of adipose tissue beneath the skin, but also in all parts of the loose connective tissue including the removal of fibrosis in the interstitial space.


  1. Cryolipolysis or fat freezing

Sold under the brand name CoolSculpting, cryolipolyis is not a form of liposuction but rather a non-fat reduction process that freezes fat cells; is a FDA-approved, non-invasive procedure that uses cooling power to disrupt fat cells under the dermis.


This freezing light shines and ultimately kills targeted fat cells without damaging the healthy tissues around them. The body’s metabolic processes work to remove dead fat cells. Coolsculpting is not recommended for those with lipedema, lymphedema or other conditions affecting the lymphatic system. Model Linda Evangelista has reportedly been left anonymous after the Cryolipolis process.


  1. After care—sutures

Doctors do not agree with the news that wounds are not connected compared to the elimination of inflammation allowed by leaving wounds open to drain fluid. Suturing is most common with a large cannula. Since the holes are small, and the amount of fluid to be expelled is high, some surgeons prefer to leave the holes open, while others heat up a portion, leaving room for fluid to leak out.



Prior to liposuction, pre-surgery marking was performed while the patient was standing. In patients with whole-body cleansing or contouring, marking can be done one day in advance. Areas to be absorbed are marked in a circle.


Types of Anesthesia

Low volume liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia with minimal sedation. High volume liposuction requires general anesthesia.

The procedure includes injecting anesthetic solutions to the body to facilitate fat removal and reduce post-op pain.


Absorbing Fat

Special cannulas are used to extract oil from problem areas through small holes.


The holes are drilled in hidden areas and are approximately 3mm to 4mm long. These symptoms usually disappear over time.

Fat cells are permanently removed through liposuction, but a person can gain weight back as new fat cells are able to accumulate in the body. Thus, after surgery, a person should include extra protein, vegetables, fruits, juices, and low-fat dairy products in his diet and should exercise regularly.

Safety and Risks

Liposuction is considered the safest, but not all liposuction surgery is the same. Lower volume liposuction (<1000 cc) is different from high volume liposuction (> 5000 cc, in some cases 10,000 cc) performed during anesthesia and hospital stay.


A suction-assisted lipectomy (aka liposuction) is identified in the Tracking Operations and Outcomes for Plastic Surgeons database maintained by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). ASPS maintains registration of plastic surgery cases called TOPS which is the largest website for plastic surgery cases. The TOPS database is only voluntary, not available to the public, and does not follow long-term cases or obtain patient and patient information, only from doctors who benefit from liposuction.


Based on this database, no deaths have been reported in about 4,500 cases by plastic surgeons.


In the study, sixty-nine of the 4534 patients (1.5 percent) and implantation methods experienced a postoperative complication. Their conclusion was: Surgical board-operated plastic surgeons are safe, with minimal risk of life-threatening complications. The volume limits for normal liposuction do not accurately reflect the individual risk. The authors’ risk assessment model shows that a dose of more than 100 ml per unit of weight index provides an additional risk of complications.


There are a number of problems that can occur as a result of any liposuction. The risk increases when the treatment areas cover a large percentage of the body, there are many holes, a large amount of tissue is removed, and simultaneous surgery is performed.


This 17-page document of ASPS discusses important safety issues and provides recommendations. In addition, an increase in tumescent and lymph-sparing techniques has had a positive effect on reducing complications. In a 2009 paper, the author found in a series of 3,240 procedures, no deaths occurred, and no complications requiring hospitalization.

In nine cases, problems arose that required further action. The conclusion was that surgery using Tumescent Local Anesthesia (TLA) only was a guaranteed safe procedure as long as the existing guidelines were followed carefully.


Other side effects and complications include, but are not limited to the following:


  • Pain, which may be temporary or permanent
  • Redistribution of fat after liposuction or post-liposuction weight gain
  • Harm
  • Bacteria

Embolism may occur when loose fat enters the bloodstream through broken arteries during surgery. Fat can end up in the lungs, or even the brain. Fat embolism can cause permanent disability or, in some cases, fatal.

Piercing wounds in the limbs (visceral holes) may need surgery to repair them. They can also die.

Seroma consists of serum, a fluid-colored fluid from the bloodstream, in areas where tissues have been removed.

Paresthesias (a change in sensation that may be caused by nerve pressure) is a changed sensation in the area of ​​liposuction. This may be in the form of increased sensitivity (pain), or numbness in the area. In some cases, these changes in mood may be permanent, although normal patients recover within a few weeks.

  • Inflammation, in some cases, may persist for weeks or months after liposuction.
  • Skin necrosis occurs when the skin on the surface of the liposuction area changes color and falls off. Large areas of skin necrosis can be infected by germs or microorganisms.
  • Burns may occur during ultrasound-assisted liposuction surgery if the ultrasound examination is hot.
  • Liquid imbalances can affect you after you go home. This condition can lead to serious illnesses such as heart problems, fluid retention, or kidney problems.

Toxicity from anesthesia due to the use of lidocaine, a skin-tightening drug, can cause mild headaches, restlessness, drowsiness, ringing in the ears, slurred speech, metallic taste in the mouth, numbness of the lips and tongue, tremors, muscle spasms. Tremors and convulsions. Lidocaine use has already been linked to death from liposuction.

Scars on the cut area usually become smaller and fade over time, though some may be larger or more prominent.

Paralysis can occur in the area of ​​liposuction after the procedure in about 20% of patients.



Major complications include deep vein thrombosis, organ piercing, bleeding, and infection. Death occurs in about one in ten thousand cases


Evidence does not support the effect of weight gain over a few months and does not seem to affect obesity-related problems. In the United States, liposuction is the most common form of cosmetic surgery.

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